How to Break Up With Your Phone│The 30-Day Plan
How to Break Up With Your Phone is a practical, evidence-based 30-day digital detox plan that will help you break up—and then make up—with your phone. The goal: better mental health, improved screen-life balance, and a long-term relationship with technology that feels good.
Now available wherever books are sold, the 2025 edition of How to Break Up With Your Phone is fully updated to reflect advances in technology, and features new expert advice, expanded chapters about the dangers of social media and how algorithms can be designed to addict us, and a brand-new section on how to approach the thorny issue of when (and whether!) to get a smartphone for your kid. It also includes updates to its life-changing 30-day plan that will guide you—and your friends and family members—through the process of creating a new, healthy relationship with technology, whether that be your smartphone, your devices, or your interactions with GPTs and artificial intelligence.
But this is more than just a book. Since the book first released in 2018, we’ve built a community of thousands of people working towards the goal of developing a healthier relationship with technology. The goal? To take back control over how we’re spending our attention and time, so that we can reconnect with — and prioritize — the people we love and the activities that bring us meaning and joy.
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